Mental Patient on Tue, 17 Sep 2002 13:25:11 -0400 |
On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 12:42, Doug Crompton wrote: > On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Fred K Ollinger wrote: > > > > PPP starts in run levels 2-5 with a respawned startup script in inittab. > > > > Don't start it that way. Make a file in /etc/init.d/ that will start/stop > > it. You can find a skeleton for how to do it in the same dir that's right > > for your distro. > > > > Fred Ollinger > > > > Well the reason I did it this way is to ensure that it would always > reconnect. I presume that inittab is not better insurance though then a > looping script?? If the link goes down it must reconnect. Historically I > have been doing this in inittab and it works well. The difference though > is that I now have only one static IP address and before PPP comes up the > system does not know that address. Before I had an ethernet card that had > that IP address and a netmask of 8 addresses, so bind knew the system IP > before PPP started. > > I take for granted that you have a static IP. Look at the persist option in the pppd man page: persist Do not exit after a connection is terminated; instead try to reopen the connection. The maxfail option still has an effect on persistent connections. Attachment: