Sean Finney on Sat, 28 Sep 2002 19:00:09 +0200 |
[this is cross-posted to s(warthmore)lug and p(hilly)lug] So i have this domain (, which has a static ip and is running its own name services as well. this box is across the street from my apartment, with a different isp, and i'd like to set it up so that my apartment's ip (a dynamic verizon) address is registered/updated as a name on that domain (something like Now since i'm running my own nameserver, if i understand correctly i don't have to use the services of anyone like, but i *do* need to install a dyndns client on my apartment box (running NetBSD), and some kind of dyndns 'server' on the name server (debian gnu/linux). There's a list of clients off of's page, and i've managed to find at least two 'servers' (gnudip,ddt-server), but since i don't have much experience with any of these apps, i'm hoping to field some opinions from anyone who may have already done this. so, any opinions or advice? my greatest concerns are stability and security, of course, though portability would be nice as well, since client and server are running different OS's. thanks --sean Attachment: