Jeff Abrahamson on Thu, 28 Nov 2002 10:50:05 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] debian dpkg questions: copying and holding

On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 01:05:42AM -0500, sean finney wrote:
> > Also, I'm moving to a new machine, and I'd like the new machine to
> > have all the stuff the old one has. I've thought about
> this definitely is a job for dpkg --set/get-selections.
> just do
> oldhost# dpkg --get-selections | ssh root@newhost "dpkg --set-selections"
> newhost# apt-get dselect-upgrade

Ah, yes. Thank you. Had I but read the examples portion of the dpkg
man page:

       To make a local copy of the package selection states:
            dpkg --get-selections >myselections

       You  might  transfer  this file to another computer, and
       install it there with:
            dpkg --set-selections <myselections
       Note that this will not actually install or  remove  anything,
       but just  set  the selection state on the requested packages.
       You will need some other application to actually download  and
       install  the requested packages.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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