gabriel rosenkoetter on Thu, 13 Feb 2003 12:48:10 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] CUPS (was Re: Without OS X)

On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 11:41:17PM -0500, Chris Hedemark wrote:
> If NetBSD takes licensing as seriously as OpenBSD (and I don't know the 
> former community as well as I do the latter), CUPS is license 
> incompatible.  Even if it is technically superior, the GPL holds it 
> back from broader acceptance.  This may also be a part of why some of 
> the big UNIX vendors aren't more enthused.

I didn't have to add anything special to /etc/mk.conf to get CUPS to
install out of pkgsrc on my NetBSD machines. (I have things like
opera-license, citrix_ica-license, and so forth in ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES
there; pkgsrc checks this and refuses to install if you don't have
the right license there.)

But it's possible it doesn't have the right licensing for inclusion
in the base system.

> On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 09:24 PM, William H. Magill wrote:
> >So, while there are implementations "available" for all of the 
> >mainstream Unix distributions, no vendor yet supports them (i.e. 
> >includes CUPS in their distribution and provides support for it).
> The biggest UNIX vendor does.

Who would that be? For what definition of "big"?

gabriel rosenkoetter

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