LeRoy Cressy on Thu, 27 Feb 2003 11:14:05 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] how kernel compiling works

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Aparently you used make config which is the original config tool. If you are running X you can use make xconfig and if you are using a console you can use make menuconfig

Both of these options require certain libraries to work like lib ncurses-dev for menuconfig. For 2.4.x kernels tk is needed for xconfig which is really very nice. For 2.5.x kernels x config has become wierd and not as nice as the tk interface.

Wayne Dawson wrote:
Jesus F. Christ! There *has* to be a better way!!! I just sat here for a GD hour answering all those f***ing prompts to recompile the kernel.

I know that recompiling the kernel is no small matter. But holy shit, when you make bzImage you ought to be able to do all the config of what to include in the kernel (and how) by some mass table of info, instead of choosing every single thing at a GD prompt!

Ok, my earlier idea of recompiling "as is" clearly doesn't fit with the way the Linux kernel is set up to compile (at least not by the procedure at http://www.europe.redhat.com/documentation/HOWTO/Kernel-HOWTO-2.php3). Every time you recompile, you have to pick every f***ing section of reconfigurable code at a prompt - that is, for every section of reconfigurable code, you have to pick y, n, or m. That's not 100% accurate, since some sections only allow two of the three options. I assume y means "Yes, compile this into the kernel", n means "No, don't support this", and m means "allow this to be loaded as a Module".

Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.

And somebody *please* tell me if there's a better way available to pick what gets compiled in and what doesn't!


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- -- Rev. LeRoy D. Cressy mailto:leroy@lrcressy.com /\_/\
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Phone: 215-535-4037 > ^ <

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