John Lavin on Tue, 11 Mar 2003 20:07:22 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] [OT] Archos Jukebox

Kam Salisbury said:
> I have the 10GB version John. There is an open source thing for it
> but I found it to
> not have the same audio quality as the latest .mod from the manufacturer. It
> doubles as a standard USB harddisk though I have not used it in that
> capacity under Linux or Mac. It rocks.

Looks like a promising app.  Since I am in need of the record quality
being as good as the box can give me, I might have to wait before that
improved.  How hard is it to switch back and forth between the
manufacturer one and rockbox?

You've had no problems with it "crashing"?

John Lavin <>                  ,''`.
Dictators can always consolidate their tyranny by an appeal to         : :' :
 patriotism.   -- Aldous Huxley                                        `. `'
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