Craig Brennan on Wed, 12 Mar 2003 08:44:05 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Home Networking Question

You actually want that weak signal outside the house.  I worked at a tech school that taught networking and programming that had a wireless network and a crappy administrator who basically set the range on the NAP's to the maximum.  Anybody w/ a wireless card could pull up to w/i 1 mile of the school and get free net access and hog bandwidth.

Craig Brennan

 Timothy Lee Young <> wrote:

Actually I just completed an installation of a Linksys Wireless-G router
in a 3-story Rittenhouse Square residence, and it works completely
satisfactory at all inner locations on any floor. The router is located
on the second floor; the only thing is that there seems to be some
difficulty with the signal on the outside of the brick house; nothin' that
a better position or stronger antenna can't fix though.

Just thought I'd throw in another topic-related exprience.

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