John Lavin on Sat, 15 Mar 2003 11:24:05 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] [OT] Archos Jukebox

Adam Turoff said:
>   - when I looked at it, it seemed to crash when I tried to turn it on.
Well, I decided to take my chances on it since I was really interested
in the recording features.  Got it yesterday and have been playing with
it today.  Seems that if I navigate through the menus long enough - it
shuts down.

I figure its a hardware problem, but pulled down the latest firmware
from archos as well as rockbox.  If if installing either doesn't help,
it goes back.

John Lavin <>                  ,''`.
The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of : :' :
 thinking that created them.    --Albert Einstein                      `. `'
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