Michael Leone on Mon, 5 May 2003 10:04:20 -0400

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RE: [PLUG] RIAA Begs For War.

Eugene Smiley said:
> Paul wrote:
>> Eugene Smiley wrote:
>>> If you buy a CD through BMG or Columbia and wait for the 1.99
>>> special each year, you end up paying $4.48 per CD with shipping
>>> ($2.49 per CD). So for the same 16 songs, you pay 28 cents per
>>> song. Hmmmm... Pay 99 cents and I don't get a backup of the media to
>>> replace a lost track, or pay 28 cents and get media. Apple's
>>> distribution channel shouldn't cost them 70+ cents more than
>>> BMG/Columbia.

I think there's more to it than that. You say 16 songs; is that 16 of your
choosing, or the 16 (2 good; 14 crap) that are the average these days on a
retail CD? :-)

If I get to choose my own combination of which 16 songs, they may come
from many CDs, and then the math above (and the comparison) becomes

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