John Lavin on Wed, 21 May 2003 18:13:05 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] using mencoder for Archos Jukebox

Jason Wertz said:
> Add -ofps xx where xx is the desired fps that you want. You'll need to
check.  Still no luck. Sent the following on to mplayer's list too with
no response yet:

hrm.  doing mplayer -v on the sample avi gives the the following:

======= VIDEO Format ======
  biSize 40
  biWidth 352
  biHeight 160
  biPlanes 1
  biBitCount 24
  biCompression 808802372='DX50'
  biSizeImage 168960

The closest I get is this:

======= VIDEO Format ======
  biSize 40
  biWidth 352
  biHeight 240
  biPlanes 1
  biBitCount 24
  biCompression 808802372='DX50'
  biSizeImage 253440

With this command:

mencoder -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:preset=128 -ovc lavc
-lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=50:vstrict=1 -ofps 20 -ffourcc DX50 -vop
scale=352x288 -o movie.avi

the biSizeImage needs to come down some more, but I'm already down to a
50 vbitrate.  Is this relevant?

> I've been ripping and encoding movies for my Zaurus and have had pretty
> decent results at really high compression. Another issue I've heard
> about is the vbr versus cbr mp3 audio...I've been using cbr. I'm also
> guessing that 128k mp3 is too high for the device...I don't know what
> processor it has but it can't be too much better then the Zaurus. Try 64
> or 32 for the audio, you'll be surprised it isn't as bad as you think for 
> movies and you'll be less likely to get dropped frames.

I do get sound - just no video.  I tried 32 anyway just to see, and got
the same result - seems like audio's not the problem...


John Lavin <>                  ,''`.
Fingerprint: B0AA 4A33 D43F BA67 E524  22F3 DA3B F8C8 2BA4 8C46        : :' :
    "That's the whole problem with science. You've got a bunch of      `. `'
empiricists trying to describe things of unimaginable wonder."           `-
--- Calvin

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