Jeff Abrahamson on Mon, 9 Jun 2003 11:51:38 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] review copies of Linux/UNIX books

Is someone following up on this?

As a group this seems worth it for the nominal work. I'll reply if no
one else wants to, I just don't want her to get a dozen different


On Sun, Jun 08, 2003 at 05:18:15PM -0400, Fox, Heather wrote:
>   [38 lines, 161 words, 1194 characters]  Top characters:* eoirnat
> Hello LUG Leader,
> Publisher Prentice Hall PTR/Addison-Wesley would like to update its
> information on your User Group, in order to resume/continue sending your
> group review copies of Linux/UNIX/Open Source books by leading authors, as
> soon as they're published!
> In order to remain on our review copy mailing list, please kindly provide
> the following info:
> 1) Name of your User Group
> 2) # of Members (both active & total number)
> 3) Contact name/physical mailing address to receive the books
> 4) group website address (please indicate if your site has a designated book
> review section)
> Thank you and I hope to hear from you!
> Heather L. Fox 
> Publicist 
> Prentice Hall PTR / & 
> Addison-Wesley Professional/ 
> One Lake Street 
> Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 
> P: 201-236-7139 |  F: 201-236-7123 


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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