gabriel rosenkoetter on Tue, 15 Jul 2003 18:41:06 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] dig returns "Transfer failed", what to do?

On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 12:58:08PM -0400, kaze wrote:
> Yeah, true, but its also the easiest way to keep the headers with names and
> times, and to make sure the new stuff is visible right away; but point
> taken - I'll try to do better.

Well, look at it this way. You'll only compose the email once, and
it's only you that's inconvenienced by having to do a little extra
composition to track attribution (and the better MUAs deal with
attribution this way already...) if you keep the thread from the top
to the bottom. It's everyone else on the mailing list plus anyone
searching the list's archives who are inconvenienced by having to
read threads from the bottom to the top down the line.

> Yeah, well we'll blame ATX for that, maybe that's why they're denying me
> zone transfers, to hide their shame. Once it's in-house I'll post to the
> list and we can see how it compares.

Right, but doing the reverse lookup *really* does you no good if
they don't have their reverse zone configured at all. :^>

Incidentally... do you know who controls the reverse DNS for that
zone? (It's probably *not* you!)

> Agreed. I intended to clean them up all along, I just want(ed) something
> working to compare it to. Kind of build a new one from scratch by addition
> and clean the old one by removal and check to see that they end up the same.

Sounds like a good plan.

On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 01:32:28PM -0400, Jeff Weisberg wrote:
> how so?
> it uses the word in its usual computer science jargon
> definition[1] of the word. which is, roughly:
> 	adj. the usual or standard state of something.
> in DNS a CNAME record provides the canonical name (the standard
> or official name) of something:
> 	mail		CNAME
> '' is the canonical or standard name
> of 'mail'.

I've always read that as meaning "mail is a canonical name for". The same way that:

  cliff-claven    A 

means "cliff-claven is a name for".

That is, in every other DNS record type I can think of (MX, HINFO,
NS), the item on the *left* is the one being described, and the item
on the right is the description.

I can see how the meaning you describe makes sense and justifies the
name. Can you see how it's maybe not the best semantic choice?

gabriel rosenkoetter

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