Jeff Abrahamson on 8 Oct 2003 13:31:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] jumpy mouse

On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 06:59:21PM -0400, Stephen Gran wrote:
>   [23 lines, 165 words, 1149 characters]  Top characters: -entaois
> On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 08:44:05AM -0400, Jeff Abrahamson said:
> > After wiping Redhat from a machine and installing debian stable, I'm
> > seeing random mouse events: the mouse cursor jumps across the screen,
> > selections appear and disappear, menus become activated by phantom
> > clicks. This is not only inconvenient, it is dangerous. (Random text
> > pasted in xterms is bad.)
> > 
> > I've tried changing mice, thinking the mouse just happened to go
> > bad. But that didn't solve the problem.
> > 
> > Any thoughts on what to try next?
> This sounds like a bad mouse/XF86Config combination - can you send what
> kind of mouse it is, and what you have in XF86Config about the mouse?
> Some of them want very specific protocols, and play badly if it's wrong.

It turned out to be that. I had used an XFree config generated by
Redhat's anaconda for the same hardware. Debian's XFree didn't like
it, but also hadn't been able to generate a working configuration

Anaconda had specified both a Mouse0 CorePointer and a Mouse1
SendCoreEvents. Mouse0 was ps2, Mouse1 was psim2. Removing Mouse1
fixed the problem.

Thanks for all the help, everyone.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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