Will Dyson on 24 Nov 2003 13:44:02 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Why am I running out of memory?

On Mon, 2003-11-24 at 09:59, Walt Mankowski wrote:

> I still don't understand why the kernel's running out of memory.
> Can't a single process be larger than the amount of real memory?  Or
> is it because I'm trying to allocate such a big chunk of memory all at
> once?

There are a number of ugly issues it could be hitting. Filling up low
memory splits with page-table entries for the huge array is the first
thing that comes to mind. But I'm not that familiar with the VM stuff.

I don't think you've told us exactly which kernel you are running? If it
is a fairly recent stock kernel, you might consider bringing up the
issue on the kernel mailing list. If it is a RedHat or other vendor
kernel, you should talk to the vendor. And if it is an old stock kernel,
you should try again with the most recent 2.4.23-rc release; significant
improvements have been made in the VM.

Will Dyson
"Back off man, I'm a scientist!" -Dr. Peter Venkman

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