Michael Leone on 4 Dec 2003 23:17:02 -0500 |
Running Debian unstable. I usually run KDE, from the command line (i.e., from startx, not from some GUI display manager). Anyway, tonight I decided to go into GNOME instead, so I changed my exec line in .xsession to read "exec gnome-session", and I startx. Up comes the GNOME splash screen (v2.4). Then ... nothing. Blank blue screen. :-) Almost as if there was no WM to be executed. Not even a mouse pointer. I have to CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE out of X entirely. Way back in the day, I know you could kick up the GNOME Control Center by executing "gnomecc", and choose a WM there, but apparently that doesn't exist anymore. Pointers, anyone? While I prefer KDE, I do occasionally like the GNOME way. Attachment: