Jeff Abrahamson on 11 Dec 2003 14:41:02 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] network security thoughts/questions

Another suggestions (pardon my top quoting) is to use OpenVPN:

Anyone have any experience?  It looks quite good and unobtrusive,
except that everyone has to install extra software.


(Full original message quoted below, for context.)

On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 04:43:15PM -0500, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
>   [56 lines, 414 words, 2314 characters]  Top characters: etonasir
> One of my Winter break projects is to improve security in my lab.  I'm
> interested in your experienced thoughts lest I overlook something
> obvious.
> What I have now is a half dozen linux boxes (and a Windows box whose
> fate is unimportant to me).  I have IP addresses for all of them.
> They are on the same subnet with the rest of the CS department.
> Scenario 1 (private LAN): make one box the gateway, put two ethernet
> interfaces on it, and put all other boxes on a private network
> ( behind the gateway.
> Scenario 2 (public LAN): make on box a gateway, put two ethernet
> interfaces on it, and put all other boxes behind it, but still with
> their existing ip addresses.
> Scenario 3 (harden only): leave them as they are now, just harden the
> iptables rules on them to make sure they make sense.
> The only services we run that are needed from the outside are a lab
> web server, sshd, and sfs_server (an authenticated, encrypted NFS that
> I have not yet set up, but plan to as part of this project).
> In option 1, I'd either run sshd and sfs_server on the gateway or open
> tunnels for them to some inside machine.  In options 2 and 3, I would
> run whatever services I need to on each machine.
> I will admit up front that I don't understand the pros and cons of
> scenario 2 very well.
> Comparing 1 and 3, the private LAN of 1 seems simpler and more secure,
> but may be more intrusive to operations and people's workflow.  In
> addition, I wonder how long it will be before there's some problem
> with key authentication, either with SFS (in which host names and
> public keys must match) or with ssh (to scp past the gateway in one
> step, I would typically first ssh over it with "ssh
> -L8022:inside-machine:22 gw" and then "scp -P 8022 foo localhost:foo"
> to copy foo to inside-machine.)
> Three seems like it could be made almost as secure as 1, except that
> if someone opens an insecure port on a workstation, it will be seen in
> the outside world.  Also, there's more to pay attention to.  On the
> other hand, there's a lot of simplicity in running services.
> An additional advantage of the private LAN solution of (1) is that a
> compromise of the gateway doesn't risk internal data.
> Any advice?
> -- 
>  Jeff
>  Jeff Abrahamson  <>
>  GPG fingerprint: 1A1A BA95 D082 A558 A276  63C6 16BF 8C4C 0D1D AE4B


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
 GPG fingerprint: 1A1A BA95 D082 A558 A276  63C6 16BF 8C4C 0D1D AE4B

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