Stephen Gran on 15 Dec 2003 07:40:03 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] no mouse or keyboard on debian

On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 08:31:21PM -0500, Ian Reinhart Geiser said:
> On Sunday 14 December 2003 08:24 pm, sean finney wrote:
> > On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 08:08:02PM -0500, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> > > 	I was trying to install debian woody on a fairly modern box.  Athlon 800
> > > with an NVidia card.  For some reason X seems to work save for no
> > > keyboard or mouse.   If i switch the PS/2 mouse with a USB one, the mouse
> > > works.
> >
> > does it not work from the console either?  it could be that x is
> > configured to only look for the usb devices.
> yeah it works in console.
> whats odd is i just used apt-get install xserver-xfree86 and it did the 
> configure stuff.  From that I can see debian has no visible support for USB, 
> and provides it via wrapper stuff...  should i not use dpkg-reconfigure to 
> setup X there?

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 is the way to change the auto-setup
stuff.  By default, there are usually two entries in XF86Config-4 -
one for regular mouse, and one for USB.  I suspect the protocol or
something is wrong for the non-USB mouse, which is why it doesn't work
but the other does.  Not sure about the keyboard, without knowing more.

|  Stephen Gran                  | I disagree with what you say, but will  |
|             | defend to the death your right to tell  |
| | such LIES!                              |

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