Jeff Abrahamson on 23 Dec 2003 10:01:02 -0500

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[PLUG] mutt and high-ascii punctuation

When I reply to mail, but, oddly, not when I forward it, some high
ascii punctuation is rendered as octal rather than the right symbol.
For example, apostrophe is \222; quotes and dashes are also sometimes
rendered in octal.

When I forward such mail and then look at the file in /tmp/ that emacs
is using, I can see that the punctuation is still high ascii, but
emacs has gotten it right.  For some reason, emacs gets it wrong when
I am replying.

I do have a text/* viewer specified, so maybe that is confusing emacs.
But if I don't specify a viewer for text/* (or at least text/plain),
mutt won't view it automatically for me.  That doesn't seem right,

I'm tempted to modify my text/* viewer to "correct" the special
punctuation, but I suspect there's a better solution.  Or, at least, a
better explanation.  Why does emacs sometimes recognize the character
set and sometimes not?

I have LANG=en_US.  I've tried LANG=en_US.utf8, but it doesn't make
things better that I can tell.

(BTW, most such mail seems to come from Outlook users, but I'm pretty
sure I'm not going to change their behavior, so I figure I should
accommodate it.)



 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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