on 2 Feb 2004 20:40:03 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] verizon DSL

In my experience, you need to power cycle the DSL box.  The first MAC
address that it sees when it powers up is "the one" that it will talk
to.  YMMV.  That is _certainly_ how it works in Comcast-land.


On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 02:54:59PM -0500, sloopy wrote:
> i am setting up a machine for my brother-in-law to be a router (running
> debian woody) the main problem here is it wont connect to the dsl... on
> my OS X machine it connects fine, but when i try to connect with the
> linux box the machine sends the authorization but the dsl side doesnt
> respond to it... it send it like 10 times and nothing, it actually
> responds when it sends initial request to connect but doesnt respond to
> the authorization... i used the pppoeconf to set it up, used his login
> as on osx (username) and as i have seen suggested online
> ( any ideas on this? he is located in EHT, NJ (just
> outside of pleasantville, which is next to west atlantic city)...
> thanks,
> sloopy.
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