James Kelly on 5 Oct 2004 01:16:01 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Home Networking Questions/Solutions

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cms wrote:
| Hello all,
| As evidenced from this post, I am not too network savvy. Here goes...

Two things:

1.) Many wireless routers anymore come with ethernet ports on them.  So
in reality, you could put it just about anywhere you want.  You can put
it in bridged mode, and away you go.  What I would do in your case is
figure out which floor you expect to use the laptop on the most, and
take the wired cable that was going to the computer on that floor, plug
it in the new wireless device, then get a short cable and connect it to
your desktop.

2.) Enjoy the cable, I couldn't imagine why you would think it
unpopular*.  DSL in the home is a mess from my experiences (including
currently working for an ISP that offers DSL) and after switching from
DSL to cable in the home, I have never looked back.  From my experience
this is mostly due to poor wiring, something that isn't quite easy to

* Note the multiple references to "my experiences", I don't want to start a flame war here.

Anyway, hth

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