ChrisB. on 21 Oct 2004 18:57:02 -0000 |
Hey all, I updated my apache server from 1.3.27 to 1.3.31 and tried to recompile php4 and I keep getting the same error on make. I pointed the apxs (for php) to my apache bin/apxs, the configure script runs fine but the make ends with the same error " Error 1" I cant seem to find a file anywhere on the box which leads me to believe it is having troubles creating it? So to review I compiled apache 1.3.31 with the --enable-module=so and then tried to recompile php4 (4.3.9) with the "./configure --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs" the configure script runs fine but the make ends in the Error 1 every time. I have tried every which way to recompile apache and php4 and I have scoured the internet for any clues. Do you guys have any ideas or notice anything I may have missed? Thanks! Chris ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --