jazzman on 16 May 2005 21:58:06 -0000

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Hi all, potentially dumb question.

I installed FC3 on a older box (AMD 500mhz) with the plan of making it a 
file server that shares a 20gb drive on my private network. Most of the 
machines on my network are XP.

I configured Samba the same way as my other linux box (RedHat 9) and 
everything appears to work when you click on Network Neighborhood, but 
attempting to view the shares on the 500mhz (VAULT is the hostname and the 
netbiosname) I get resource unavialable errors. I tried a few things and I 
noticed that when I try to browse by IP address (by typing \\ 
it works fine, but when I type \\VAULT it just can't resolve the name to 
IP. On my Redhat 9 box (FServ) it works just fine.

So on FServ I type "nmblookup fserv" and get the proper address. The 
confusing part is that on vault I type "nmblookup vault" and it can't find 
it! How does vault not know his own address?!?

I've been fighting with this and even tried upgrading to a newer version 
of Samba, all with the same results. the necessary ports for samba 
(including 445) are open on my private network (All behind a firewall 
which blocks just about every port from the outside world). When I do an 
nmblookup by IP Address I see VAULT just fine (3 entries for it, actually, 
and 2 for my workgroup... is that normal?) and when I try and access 
shares by IP address it works fine... when I try to access shares by name 
it all just barfs... nothing in the error logs or anything. Vault is 
announcing itself to the network, but for some reason it's not announcing 
it's IP as well...

I'm about to just wipe it and install RH9 on it since that actually seems 
to WORK on my other box... Any ideas before I try rolling back to RH9? I 
really would prefer to use something not so old, but if it works and FC3 
won't, well then it won't upset me much. I suppose I could try a different 
distro, but I just don't have the desire to spend all of my time fidgeting 
with new versions of this and that after working as a programmer all 
day... I just want something that works with a little effort on my part, 
but not a herculean effort, if you know what i mean...

Anyway, thanks in advance

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