LeRoy Cressy on 14 Jun 2005 21:07:54 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] New xterm behavior in Debian

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Stephen Gran wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 02:49:56PM -0400, LeRoy Cressy said:
>>Hi all,
>>With the latest Debian upgrade I noticed that the bash people altered a
>>config file in /etc without prompting about the change.
> dpkg will prompt if both:
> a) you have changed a config file
> b) a new version of the config gile is available
> otherwise it does nothing or promtps.
>>/etc/bash.bashrc has been changed to include the following:
>># If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
>>case "$TERM" in
>>   PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
>>   ;;
>>   ;;
>>This means that if you call xterms with -T string the title string
>>specified in xterm options is overwritten by bash with total disregard
>>to user preferences.
>>I always thought that it was Debian policy to prompt before changing any
>>config file.  Thought this makes upgrading a little slower, the config
>>files are protected.
> PROMPT_COMMAND is not the same as the title string specified with -T.
> PROMPT_COMMAND is what your prompt displays, e.g.
> leroy@debian:~$
> bash.bashrc is sourced _before_ your ~/.bashrc, so any settings in it
> are overridable by your ~/.bashrc.  Are you sure you changed this file,
> or are you assuming it must be this since -T isn't doing what you
> expected?  I would start by looking elsewhere, although if this file did
> get ovrwritten and your changes lost, that would be a serious bug.

When I commented out the /etc/bash.bashrc block containing the the above
mentioned case block, the system returned back to complying to xterm -T
creating a title string.

When I searched the web I saw this block mentioned as setting the title
of an xterm.  I think that it has to deal with \033]0; which might mean
where echo puts the string.

\033 = ESC
]0  Titlebar in the xterm
\007 = BEL

I tried this in a xterm and the titlebar changes appropriately

echo -ne "\033]0;Who Is ${USER}?\007"

Also, PROMPT_COMMAND is just a variable being set with an echo string

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 Rev. LeRoy D. Cressy  mailto:leroy@lrcressy.com   /\_/\
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