Luke Renn on 19 Jul 2005 15:38:09 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Wireless router

* Stewart B. Lone <> [2005-07-19 11:26:28 -0400]:

> Am dumping my old ISP 56k service. Ordered the Verizon DSL service.
> When speaking to customer service rep she asked whether I was running
> windows or an apple os, as the wireless modem they would be shipping
> was different for the different os`s. I replied that I was running
> linux and she said whats that.  I chose the apple model as I figured
> that would be closer to my requirements. Did I make the correct choice?

I recently set one of these up for a family memeber.  I think the
customer rep person was confused.  I see no way there could be an
"apple" version and a "windows" version.  Most likely the only
difference is the CD they send you with the service, which you won't
use anyway.  I wouldn't worry, the router has an https interface.

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