Thomas A. Lowery on 4 Nov 2005 03:08:53 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] LUG near Lansdale?

Jesus Arocho wrote:
> I live in Franconia.  I think there was a group trying to organize a LUG 
> around this area.  Meeting places such as Borders, at the 309/202 shopping 
> mall area, were under consideration.  I lost track of the threads so I donĀ“t 
> know what the outcome was.
> On Tuesday 01 November 2005 06:59, Eric Hidle wrote:
>>I just moved up here to Lansdale... are there any folks up this way and/or
>>is there already an established LUG? Anyone interested in starting one up
>>if there isn't? E

I'm in Hatfield and would be interested.
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