Doug Crompton on 21 Nov 2005 21:04:45 -0000

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[PLUG] OT: Verizon DSL interface

Question to those of you that use Verizon DSL (I use Verizon but my
provider is DCA-net)

I am about to bring my cousin up on Verizon DSL. I see they provide a disk
for installation and apparently there is a choice of Yahoo or MSN or mail.
My question is do I have to use this install disk? Can I not just manually
setup Outlook express and POP mail from Verizon? I am using a DSL router
in the configuraton, connected to the DSL modem. I presume I need to setup
PPOE in the linksys router and use a username/PW - Does Verizon supply
this username/PW ???

My goal is to make this as straight forward and simple as possible with
the minumum junk added to the system. I think this would be similiar to a
strictly Linux/Verizon setup as I don't think their setup disk would work
for Linux.


*  Doug Crompton	   *
*  Richboro, PA 18954	   *
*  215-431-6307		   *
*		  	   *
*        *
*  *

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