Jeff Abrahamson on 14 May 2006 18:40:09 -0000 |
On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 02:28:28PM -0400, Douglas Muth wrote: > [31 lines, 264 words, 1744 characters] Top characters: etoin_rs > > On 5/14/06, Jeff Abrahamson <> wrote: > > Since ISP choice gets frequent coverage here and since this is all > > archived, I thought it important that I note that I no longer feel DCA > > is such a great ISP. When things go right they're still quite good: > > fixed IP, reverse mapped, good uptime until recently. But when things > > have gone wrong they've been abominable where once they were > > exceptional. I've seen two outages recently. My neighbor, using > > Speakeasy, called S tech support and was immediately told (network > > status recording) that there was an outage covering a broad region. > > When I called DCA support, the recording in both instances said no > > problems, even 12 hours into the outage. The system email status list > > never mentioned it either time. > [snip] > > Just to throw in my 2 cents, I've never had an outage of this type > with I've only had 2 outages in total, each of which lasted > about 15 minutes. (granted, I am not doing any sort of monitoring > from home, so there may be more that I don't know about) I do monitor, so I know within a few minutes how long outages last. But, to be clear, the outages have not been DCA's fault. I am only evaluating them on their response to the outages. > I saw that you mentioned Covad elsewhere in your email. [...] I am on a Covad circuit. I asked them once about changing, and they said I would have to deal with Verizon, to whom I would have to pay hefty start-up fees. Speakeasy deals with the telco for me *and* charges me less *and* provides better support when things go wrong. -- Jeff Jeff Abrahamson <> +1 215/837-2287 GPG fingerprint: 1A1A BA95 D082 A558 A276 63C6 16BF 8C4C 0D1D AE4B Attachment:
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