Jeff Abrahamson on 27 May 2006 03:02:11 -0000

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[PLUG] asterisk, voip, etc.

I'm considering buying VOIP service.  I've been reading about it.
It's cool, both technically and politically (all the crap that comes
from nearly a century of telecom regulation compared to the very
different development of the internet (and end-to-end)).

My current setup is a cell phone, no landline but a dry DSL line
(i.e., no dialtone, just IP).  As a new Speakeasy subscriber (and, so
far, happy enough with them), I'm considering their service.  They
basically provide me with a phone number and access to an asterisk
server.  By my computations, I should be able to reduce my cell phone
plan enough that it should end up being cost-neutral to me when
combined with being able to drop my international calling service.

I'm curious what experiences others here have had.  Any surprises that
came along?  Anything to watch out for?  How do you feel about call
quality?  (I've talked with skype users who sound high latency, for
example, but others who don't.)


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>          +1 215/837-2287
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