TuskenTower on 1 Jun 2006 13:18:12 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Sources for a Microsoft tax free laptop

On 6/1/06, Pat Regan <thehead@patshead.com> wrote:
jimjawn wrote:
> Build one yourself.  That's what I did.  Depending on your budget and
> your wishes, you can put together an even better laptop for less than
> you'd pay for a compaq or gateway.
> I used ewiz.com and pretty much bought everything there for my
> MSI-1032
> <http://www.msicomputer.com/NB/product_spec.asp?model=MS-1032> and
> I've never been happier.  Everything component is covered with at
> least a one year warranty.
> Google for barebones laptops or check out pricegrabber.com.
> Jim

If you don't mind me asking, what does it end up costing to do this?  I
found a barebones MSI-1032 for about $600.  I also found a bunch that
are "fully loaded."  The fully loaded ones were too expensive.  They
cost as much as I paid for my new Dell and I got dual core, a higher
resolution screen, more memory, a 7200 RPM hard drive, and 3 year on
site service.

I understand not wanting to send any cash towards Microsoft, though.  I
just can't see spending that much more money to do it.


Apple hardware does not have an MS tax. The hardware is expensive, but worth it. I recommend the $1299 MacBook or an old iBook.

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