mmalten on 29 Nov 2006 20:42:36 -0000 |
OK, you guys all said "MacBook" and you know what I discovered after a week or so of using the thing? I like it. I probably saved many hours of work I'd otherwise have spent getting all the features working in Linux on a converted (exorcised?) Windows laptop. With fink and x11, I've got the same options for software and for command-line control I had with Linux. I moved to "fink unstable" -- hey, there are people out there happy with Debian unstable -- for more software. I was a little annoyed that all of the packages had to be compiled, then I realized how fast the new box was vs. what I was used to. I haven't pushed the DVD burner beyond establishing that it works, but it definitely does. Some learning curve, of course, but nothing as strenuous as battles I've had in the Linux and Windows worlds. Thanks for the recommendation. ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --