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Re: [PLUG] Exchange hosting at a different location from web hosting
Here is another somewhat related question.
I am thinking about using a VPS to host some applications so that I
don't have to try to worry about shared hosting. Is it possible to
host the domain on a VPS and set up email and stuff on a shared host
like Dreamhost? This way I wouldn't have to set up a mail server and
web access, etc on my own. Is it as simple as setting the mx records
to dreamhost and the nameservers to point to the VPS?
On 1/19/07, jimjawn <jimjawn@gmail.com> wrote:
This is quite easy. Set up your web host as you normally would and in your
dns serttings, set the MX records to the company that hosts your exchange
mail. That's it.
On 1/18/07, Randy Schmidt <x@altorg.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am developing a site for a client using Ruby on Rails, however, they
> use hosted exchange for their email. I need to have the web app hosted
> on a linux box so I need to separate the hosting for the two. Has
> anybody here done this before and can give me some words of wisdom in
> doing this? Is it fairly easy? I have just started doing research but
> it is something that is somewhat hard to search for. Any help would be
> greatly appreciated!
> Thanks!
> --
> Randy Schmidt
> randy@umlatte.com
> www.umlatte.com
> 267.334.6833
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