Stephen Gran on 26 May 2007 17:47:11 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Linux (Debian) and raid

On Sat, May 26, 2007 at 01:03:00PM -0400, Doug Crompton said:
> Now that this has been batted around a bit I have a few more questions.
> Using Raid 1, lets assume SW raid, and having the following partitiions -
> /boot, /root, /swap, /usr, /home, /lib, and maybe /opt (does Debian use
> /opt?) how would one setup raid?
> Does/should swap get included? Do all other partitions get included?
> Doesn't the system have to boot outside of raid before in recognizes a
> raid partition?
> What is confusing to me is that in my Intel MB driven raid the whole drive
> is part of the array. As far as the BIOS is concerned it is looking at one
> drive. In Linux, using SW raid, would not one drive have to boot linux and
> then the raid array is established? If this were the case then it is not
> truely raid because if that one drive failed it would not boot.
> I probably have this all wrong so if anyone can explain I would appreciate
> it?

To try to answer all your questions, slightly out of order:

I'd go ahead and put the whole thing on the array (that is, create an
array, put LVM on top of it, and then partition the vm).  It is extra
overhead for the swap partition, but it significantly eases admin

Debian installs /opt, but doesn't put anything there - /opt is for out
of distro packages like oracle and whatnot.  I wouldn't bother making it
a seperate partition unless you plan on installing something like that.

The installer will guide you through both raid and lvm setup.  Elizabeth
bevilaqua has some instructions on
based on our work installs of lvm over software raid - they are aimed at
having most of the system on raid5, so you can ignore the complications
involved with that and just use a single array.

If you're doing raid1, both drives are the same, and so the when you
write a boot sector to the array, you write it to the boot sector of
both drives (well, grub or lilo handle this for you transparently).

Modern distributions generally boot with what's called an initial ram
disk (initrd).  This contains all the drivers and utilities necessary to
bring up the raid array before actually mounting /.  It's complicated,
but so far for me (modulo my usual mistakes) it Just Works(TM).
|  Stephen Gran                  | I'm defending her honor, which is more  |
|             | than she ever did.                      |
| |                                         |

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