gabriel rosenkoetter on 3 Oct 2007 00:52:02 -0000

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[PLUG] tofu mail

I'm in the process of responding to a heap of messages in a thread
here right now.

I'm not going to get into the politics of top replies and so forth,
not just because it's just too religious to touch, but because I'm a
culprit at this point. I've given in, at work, to Outlook and,
away-but-at home, to the iPhone (a simple Applescript
binding makes it easy to respond Properly in the regular Mac OS X, so not there, and obviously never in my preferred MUA,

So, I don't plan to shriek at anyone over top-replies here, even
though I still believe that they are inconsiderate of one's
correspondents and readers... but even when your MUA makes it
painful to avoid top-replies, it's still possible, in a sustained
conversation, to trim the tailings. I just did 30dd in vi(1), and,
in doing so, removed four duplications of the same mailing-list-
added footers.

Pretty please with a berry of your choice on top: show a little
respect for your correspondents.

gabriel rosenkoetter

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