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Re: [PLUG] Meeting Topic Request
- From: "Brent Saner" <brent.saner@gmail.com>
- To: "Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List" <plug@lists.phillylinux.org>
- Subject: Re: [PLUG] Meeting Topic Request
- Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 17:11:12 -0400
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=beta; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:references; bh=HvutKJj7cstVlLuMvHo+JAPbUt9cHnUknlDMzOYn9ZQ=; b=PLrv1OxO3jHTvaABGHzwuUldCy6RWtdO2FmoEsp3DkdbJ0N/PNmBzZ9rEdzQEY8SX6pVewSIEynb1pDjbe1DmfI5b9ufdN4juxtncg5Dd7EICGvAmiG/4pBDSQlOAbwZiRzVRteJk1k3V3o4S+0o4WBG7FyiuO0ykkGn95+oCjY=
- Reply-to: Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List <plug@lists.phillylinux.org>
- Sender: plug-bounces@lists.phillylinux.org
hell, there's even a specialized knoppix for it.
but http://www.ram.org/computing/linux/linux_cluster.html for a base reference
On 10/21/07, Josh Goldstein <oopjosh@yahoo.com> wrote:
How do you install linux on a cluster? Is there a cluster-linux distro?
----- Original Message ---- From: Brent Saner <
here's a neat idea, kind of a compromise between individual systems and a single shared system...
set up a full cluster, and then turn THAT into a multi-user system.
"why would i do that instead of just having the individual workstations?" you might say.
well, the advantage of this is load-balancing- it'd pool all the resources of x amount of boxes together. so if you have, say, five boxes and only one user on (because, say, it's 3am or something) then the resources of all five boxes are available to the user independent of where he signs in. if you have three users on at one time and five boxes clustered, you still have an advantage because each user (assuming they're all doing the same amount of processor expense) get an extra
33.33% of a box extra. (granted, all of this is not completely accurate and not exact, but it's a simple example of the power of load-balancing clusters and the possible implementation in a multi-user system)
On 10/21/07, Antony P Joseph <
antony@panathara.org> wrote:
I am not sure whether LTSP do the sound redirection either because the program is running in the server accessing servers sound card. X-protocol does not support "sound" redirection. If the LTSP supports
sound redirection, it must be outside of X-protocol. I do not find any problem in extending that outside protocol to VNC.
If you are not able to find any software for redirection, Bluetooth speakers or earphones connecting to the server will solve the problem
provided you are with in the Bluetooth distance range.
With regards Antony Matthew Rosewarne wrote: > On Sunday 21 October 2007, Antony P Joseph wrote: > >> There is a fouth option
>> VNC (a variation of thin computing, easy to configure compared >> to LTSP) > > VNC is easier, but doesn't do sound. Otherwise, it's requirements & pros/cons
> are similar to LTSP. >
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-- Brent Saner 215.264.0112(cell) 215.362.7696(residence)
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