schwepes on 3 Nov 2007 23:43:27 -0000 |
I can be more relaxed now as the bulk of my old e-mail is read. On Sat, 3 Nov 2007, Eugene Smiley wrote: > > But the power lines that feed the electronics on each end aren't. We'll still be > in a crap load of trouble if/when that horror movie becomes a reality. > > Ok. Call me evil. I'm rather enjoying the thought of the world returning to the > pre-industrial age. Some good wholesome manual labor anyone? Having spent some of today chopping fire woood, I seem to be already preparing for that but no "dark age" ever really represents a return to previous conditions. Small technologies actually improve. Look at such diverse items as plows, horse harnesses, wagons and ships and how they were considerably improved during the dark ages after developments had stagnated for centuries during the more civilized classical period. bs ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --