Jon Nelson on 14 Nov 2007 22:55:38 -0000 |
Hi All, I have remastered my own version of Knoppix and am running into a problem with trying to customize Firefox and KDE. Everything I have read say to boot to KDE in a chrroted enviroment make your changes to KDE and then exit. Then move the knoppix home dir to /etc/skel. I have done this and made sure the perms were correct , but it had no effect. With KDE I have been able to add buttons to the panel by following the above procedure, but leaving the .kde folder in /home/knoppix. This however doesn't work when I try to change to default behavior for what happens when a thumb drive is inserted (K->Control Center->Peripherials->Storage Media). When you make a change here it is stored in the file .kde/share/config/medianotifierrc, which is not present if no changes have been made. When I boot into Knoppix this file is no longer there, but is still in /etc/skel. With Firefox I am trying to set the home page and I have the same results with the above procedure. It is also suggested that the .mozilla dir is copied to /usr/share/knoppix/profile, but this has no effect either. The file that supposedly controls the transfering of all these files at startup is /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession. It's a pretty long bash script that has a few rsync commands in it. All of them use --ignore-existing which should leave any exiting files alone in the target dir, right? If I chroot into my Knoppix dir and startx from there everything works like a champ. To try to get around this problem I added a couple of commands to my /home/knoppix/.bash_profile, but still no joy. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Jon ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --