Ron Kaye on 2 Jan 2008 10:42:14 -0800 |
why wiki, and not just a traditional shared folder. is this a good format for housing the organization's technical howto'S? suggestions on platform and software? feel free to contact me off list. ron kaye csc@uphs Computer Sciences Corporation Registered Office: 2100 East Grand Avenue, El Segundo California 90245, USA Registered in USA No: C-489-59 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a PRIVATE message. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete without copying and kindly advise us by e-mail of the mistake in delivery. NOTE: Regardless of content, this e-mail shall not operate to bind CSC to any order or other contract unless pursuant to explicit written agreement or government initiative expressly permitting the use of e-mail for such purpose. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --