Matthew Rosewarne on 19 Jan 2008 10:34:31 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] The One True OS, migrating to

On Saturday 19 January 2008, W. Chris Shank wrote:
> outlook and imap is almost useless. outlook likes to completely freeze
> the interface during imap send/receive operations (ironically  - it
> doesn't do this with POP - makes you go hmmm...). Also, they made it
> realy hard to HIDE deleted messages (cause in IMAP delete = flag for
> deletion later). So instead of the message going away - it remains
> with with a line through it. MS's IMAP implementation is clearly
> intended to allow IMAP connections while simultaneously discouraging
> them by frustrating users. IMAP and Outlook should be avoided unless
> you find a 3rd party app to allow better integration.

Well, the IMAP is for KMail & others, not Outlook.  Still others suggest that 
Exchange's IMAP implementation is not exactly flawless...

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