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Re: [PLUG] The One True OS, migrating to
Ok, remote wipe and push are similar to what Black Berry's have but these work with Windows Mobile devices as well as Nokia phones. If a phone is lost or stolen you can wipe the phone from your desktop. A e-mail push service pushes the mail out to the phones the second it comes it, rather than having to have the user connect remotely.
How much daily support would it require to keep it going? 6000 users is a lot to manage.
Brian Vagnoni
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From: Stephen Gran [mailto:steve@lobefin.net] To: plug@lists.phillylinux.org Sent: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 18:47:54 -0500 Subject: Re: [PLUG] The One True OS, migrating to
On Sat, Jan 19, 2008 at 06:37:41PM -0500, Brian Vagnoni said:
> Not a flame sincerely interested and wish to be educated.
> Actually I'll bite on this one. Case study here since you brought it
> up Steven. You need to migrate 6000 users from a propriety nix mail
> server that is now defunct. You need to include all of the options I
> mentioned and they want to move all of the users to LDAP. What would
> you use to do this? What OSS would you use to support all of the
> requirements? How long will it take you to deploy it? How would you
> integrate it all? I'll open this up to everyone because I honestly
> would like to have my opinion changed.
I don't know what "Integrated push" or "mobile platform support" is,
but the rest are all easily doable with off the shelf OSS solutions:
SMTP server: postfix, ecim, sendmail, etc
IMAP/POP3: dovecot has the edge these days
A/V support: clamav
Webmail: squirrelmail is very nice, but there are dozens of others
NNTP: INN is really in a league of it's own
LDAP: openldap
SSL: all of theabove support it
I'm assuming "remote wipe" is some sort of remote admin tool? That
wasn't clear either. But, aside from the few items that weren't clear,
the above pieces of off the shelf solutions plus integration is
something I do fairly routinely for home, Debian, and work. I'd say
it's a few hours' work to roll it out. Perhaps the few things I am
unclear on will make it take longer, but given that you have $12K to
burn, I'd say that gives me a week to figure out each of the remaining
problems :)
| Stephen Gran | Rainy days and automatic weapons always |
| steve@lobefin.net | get me down. |
| http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | |
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