Stephen Gran on 19 Jan 2008 16:11:28 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] One True OS

On Sat, Jan 19, 2008 at 07:02:11PM -0500, Brian Vagnoni said:
> Thanks for not taking this as a personal attack as I didn't mean it
> that way at all. Quest & thirst for knowledge is what I'm really
> about. It's not my money it was a client who was doing something
> similar to want you suggested, had a tight budget, but didn't want all
> the admin stuff that goes with what you are suggesting. They also
> required and support, someone to call. 
> So you are saying that you can integrate all of those into a cohesive
> platform where they all work together.

I'm assuming you're talking to me here (the lack of quoting makes it
hard to tell where in the conversation we are).  If so, the answer is
yes, most definitely.  End user support would of course raise the admin
overhead time and associated costs, but the server side could be rolled
out in under a day, and the server admin is fairly routine stuff.  I'd
have to look into how remote wipe works and what solutions there are
for it, but unless it's a completely opaque protocol, I am going to
assume there is some way to do it.  Even if it is a completely opaque
protocol, you can always set up a VM or a small machine in the corner
for single purpose things like that.
|  Stephen Gran                  | Where do you think you're going today?  |
|             |                                         |
| |                                         |

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