W. Chris Shank on 13 May 2008 18:39:55 -0700

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[PLUG] real-time data replication over highspeed WAN link

I'm wondering if anyone has used any data replication tools like DRDB for high availability fail-over through a WAN link. I am considering the Dell EqualLogic iSCSI SAN with it's peer replication technology. But so far it seems like a pretty hefty price-tag for something I could accomplish with Linux, DRDB, and iSCSI tools. Does anyone have a failover site with real-time replication? If so, what are you using? My environment is mostly Windows Servers and MS SQL Databases - so I was only considering Linux because it seems like I could replace the EqualLogics with a Linux SAN. But I'll give consideration to other hardware or software solutions as well.

My biggest concern is if I can keep the databases in sync in real-time (if not real-time - how close), what bandwidth will I need to have been datacenters, and will the replication give me a performance hit at my primary location. Your suggestions are appreciated.

W. Chris Shank 
ACE Technology Group 

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