Alex Valentine on 25 Aug 2008 08:27:06 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] PLUG Logo! And LinkedIn

Wow, this discussion is absolutely nuts. Lets overthink the simple act of
posting a basic graphic on a website.

Throw it up on the server, pick CC licensing, and call it a day..

I'm sure PLUG subscribers really enjoy getting 30+ emails arguing over the
licensing procedure for a simple modification to the tux logo, while a
bunch people wearing tinfoil hats endlessly speculate about highly
unlikely legal ramifications.

> On Sunday 24 August 2008 4:43:42 pm James Barrett wrote:
>> What if a corporation wanted to use a public domain "ben franklin tux
>> logo" in their massively-produced pamphlets or brochures, or in a huge
>> ad campaign without citing the source?  Would people who otherwise had
>> never before seen the PLUG logo automatically start mentally
>> associating it with that other event, company, product or service?
> Worse yet, that corporation could register a copyright for the art and sue
> PLUG for using it.
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