jeff on 22 Feb 2009 11:18:43 -0800 |
Yesterday I hit play and the laptop seized (YouTube). Had to be manually powered off. Upon reboot, I got grub error 17. Most Google references said to dl Super Grub Disk, which I did. That seemed to fail pretty miserably. The best I got was to change the error to 21. Google references to 21 were the same: dl SGD. Couldn't mount either partition. For fun, I tried fsck (and forgot `-y', which made things more interesting). After that, I could mount one partition (/HOME) but not the other (/THE OS). Given the choice, I'd rather the OS partition be taken out but actually I'd rather NEITHER get hosed. I'm about to reinstall Xubuntu, as I can't seem to repair the partition. Are there any other things to try instead? I figured whatever it is will take longer and have less chance of success than reinstalling. I suppose I could dd off-disk just in case.. Thanks. -- ThermionicEmissions - the blog ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --