Walt Mankowski on 26 Feb 2009 09:14:48 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] mini-HOWTO: mp3fs

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 12:08:14PM -0500, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
> I actually question the sanity of doing the flac->mp3 processing on
> the fly all the time, which entails a non-trivial memory and CPU hit.
> It may work okay if there's only one or two readers, but it can't
> scale without some fairly clever pre-fetch and (fast) disk caching.
> That said, it's perfect for what it's intended to do (but don't
> imagine that you could use this to drive, for example, 25 listening
> stations in a record store without throwing some beefy hardware at
> it).

You're also going to take a big hit the first time you try to sync it
with a new device, but you'd take that anyway.  I'm a little curious
how you avoid taking that hit every time you sync -- if it just uses
timestamps, that's fine.  But if it uses something like an md5
checksum, it's not going to work all that well.


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