Brian Vagnoni on 8 May 2009 19:04:16 -0700 |
----- Original Message ----- From: Casey Bralla > Are any of them any good? ----- Original Message ----- You still have your gear & your data right? Then I would say it did its job; be happy!!!! I have an APC Back-UPS 1200va with a 50% load for about a year and a half now and it has held up so far. Though I don't expect it to last through this years T-Storm season. I've had a few Belkins however those didn't last very long. But the UPS still did its job and protected a lot of gear. Personally I've never purchased a battery for as UPS and when they stop working I just go buy another one. You could go with an expensive surge protector, but then again you could have a cheap UPS for the same price and get the temporary power and shutdown capabilities. I even have them on my LCD TV. I figure replacing the LCD is close to $1100 and an UPS is like $50 - $200 well worth the price. If you like living dangerously and don't mind making excuses to clients why you lost data then by all means cheap out :-). If you are hosting services I would say that not having a ups or 2 would be against most accepted best practices if not computer 101. -------------------------------------------------- Brian Vagnoni PGP Digital Fingerprint F076 6EEE 06E5 BEEF EBBD BD36 F29E 850D FC32 3955 -------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --