Douglas Muth on 2 Sep 2009 08:30:01 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] server monitoring- set up threshold alerts

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Ron Kaye Jr<> wrote:
> need to monitor server activity and send ALERTS for exceeded thresholds.
> have 2 rhel5, 2 ubuntu for now
> 1) any suggestions on what to monitor (  ie   >80% processor, >80%disk
> usage, failed logins etc)
> 2) any suggestions on the best tool ( i installed webmin which appears, at
> first glance, to be pretty good)
> 3) how about network activity?

Do you have an idea what your current usage is?  If not, I would
recommend installing something like Munin
( and letting it run for a few weeks
to establish baselines of system usage.  The default install monitors
just about everything that can be monitored: disk usage, CPU usage
(broken down by user, system, and I/O wait), network usage, IRQ usage,
and load average.

Once you've figured out what constitutes "normal" behavior (keeping in
mind that you'll see spikes during daily cron runs), you can then
decide what constitutes "abnormal" behavior, and set up alerts based
on that.

As for alerting software, I've usage Nagios (
in years past, but I'm sure things have changed since then.  I'm sure
there are other folks here who can give you a better answer.

-- Doug
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