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Re: [PLUG] Crunchbang: Wow!
jeff wrote:
Adam Zion wrote:
>From there, I explored until I found eeebuntu. I liked that, but found
the Gnome interface to be rather too high-powered for a netbook. And,
May I suggest adding XFCE and making it the default if you like it?
It would seem perfect for netbooks with its more minimalist, low
eye-candy, low horsepower leanings.
I have a EEE 901 with Easy Peasy installed (from back when you had to
use the array.org kernel for hardware support) and after I nuked the
annoying 'netbook remix' theme and interface mods I was very happy with
it. Gnome really isn't all that bad on a netbook, and in spite of the
fact that I hate various aspects of it's interface (the file picker for
one) I've found it quite responsive. Since the Intel drivers are great
I even found myself enabling a few compiz effects with great results.
The 900 might not be quite so fast (not all of them have the Atom) but
I wouldn't worry about the desktop environment too much.
P.S. I don't recommend allocating any swap at all for a netbook with an
SSD, due to wear concerns, unless you're using it only for hibernation
and deactivating it after your computer wakes up. Best idea is to just
pay $30 for a two gig stick of RAM so it'll never have to swap, and
it'll be faster as well.
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