Gavin W. Burris on 25 Jan 2011 06:33:02 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] linux music hw/sw


This is the best source I've found for the really interesting things
going on in the digital music arena.  It covers everything from
synthesizers, to hardware hacking, to midi control surfaces, to software

Particularly, you will be interested in the open-source tag:

Good stuff there.

On 01/24/2011 07:08 PM, K.S. Bhaskar wrote:
> Thanks, Daniel and Michael.
> If he gets anywhere with this project, I'll post a follow up to the list.
> Regards
> -- Bhaskar
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Michael Lazin <
> <>> wrote:
>     You may wish to have him try Ubuntu studio.  It works great with the
>     M-Audio card I mentioned, and has all kinds of music production
>     goodies, plus the low latency realtime kernel.  Just be aware there
>     is no support for M-audio with Pulseaudio, you'll need to remove it
>     and use alsa.  "apt-get autoremove pulseaudio"
>     If you don't like alsa oss4 also works nicely.  You might want to
>     have him try hydrogen.  It's a great open source drum
>     machine/sequencer and it's lots of fun. 
>     On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Daniel Toliaferro
>     < <>> wrote:
>         Qtractor is really good. It supports all manner of plugins, even
>         Windows VSTs through Wine. Also, the recently popular Win/Mac
>         DAW REAPER runs under Wine.
>         On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:11 AM, K.S. Bhaskar
>         < <>> wrote:
>             Thanks, Jeff.  I did poke around
>             <> over the weekend.
>             Regards
>             -- Bhaskar
>             On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 10:44 AM, jeff <
>             <>> wrote:
>                 This is a very good site if you're gonna stick with
>                 linux only.
>                 My understanding is that the `pros' use ProTools, which
>                 is primarily Mac but has been ported to Win.  Naturally
>                 there is no linux version.
>                 LMMS is a very interesting all-in-one linux program that
>                 should do most, if not all of what your son is looking
>                 for.  Hydrogen is a really cool drum sequencer.
>                 On the Win side, Cakewalk and Sonar are very popular.
>                 You can use an external USB adapter or an add-in card to
>                 get the information to and from the computer.  I'm
>                 pretty sure the card is the better way to go, resourcewise.
>                 The external boxes start around $89.  M-Audio and Tascam
>                 start in that range and the prices go up with features
>                 and inputs.
>                 In an almost related vein, I just read that someone got
>                 Guitar Rig running through WINE.   It's a very
>                 interesting amp/effects emulator for guitar and bass.
>                  There's a less intensive linux program called Rakarrack
>                 (or something like that - it's in Ubuntu repositories)
>                 that does all sorts of emulation.  Might do more effects
>                 than amps - I'm not sure.
>                 JACK is your friend.
>                 Good luck.
>                 ___________________________________________________________________________
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>     Michael Lazin
>     to gar auto estin noein te kai ennai
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> Windows does to computers what smoking does to humans
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Gavin W. Burris
Senior Systems Programmer
Information Security and Unix Systems
School of Arts and Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
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