Randall A Sindlinger on 14 Mar 2011 10:01:12 -0700

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[PLUG] open source webmail reviews?

Hi folks,

Wikipedia has a list of web-based email clients 

    * 24SevenOffice
    * Alpine
    * Bongo
    * Citadel
    * Horde IMP
    * Hula project
    * Kerio WebMail
    * OpenGroupware Webmail
    * RoundCube Webmail
    * SquirrelMail
    * WebPine
    * Zimbra

However, I was hoping to find a page comparing them, like
but for the actual webmail apps.

is sadly lacking, mentioning only Citadel, RoundCube, and 
SquirrelMail (and RoundCube only is in the first table).

I'm primarily interested in comparing Horde/IMP to RoundCube.

The information I'm most interested it would be like

Does anyone know of a good resource, set of reviews, or care to 
lobby for one of the platforms?

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