Floyd Johnson on 28 Apr 2012 08:37:52 -0700 |
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Re: [PLUG] There's gotta be a better way |
Martin Dellwo writes:
The first link may have revealed why I had so much trouble using the VPC images: I had connected the virtual disk as SATA rather than IDE, apparently setting myself up for the "BSOD headaches" I experienced.Found this after google search of 'ie9 on linux': http://primozverdnik.com/2011/06/run-ie9-in-virtualbox-for-free/ http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/test-websites-in-internet-explorer-9-8.html So, per your last option below, you shouldn't need to pay for a license! Marty
Also, you guys have given me some fallback in your feedback: the existence of Notepad++ and Geany for Windows.
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